Course Objectives
Course objectives
Participants in the course “Application of Er: YAG lasers in dental practice” will gain theoretical knowledge on issues such as physics of Er: YAG lasers, tissue interactions, safety rules and clinical applications of Er: YAG laser on soft and hard tissues in oral cavity. This knowledge will be visualized and reinforced through clinical demonstrations on patients (by the course leader) and the implementation of Er: YAG laser interventions on extracted teeth and animal material (by the student). The course will end with an individual completion of a final assessment test of 10 questions and a satisfaction survey.
Course Topics
Course topics
Er: YAG laser (2940nm) has a variety of applications in various fields of dental medicine – periodontology, oral surgery, surgical dentistry and endodontics, pediatric dentistry and more. The educational goal of the course is to provide students with a basic overview of clinical procedures performed with Er: YAG laser, information on the proper operation of the device, the rules for safe work according to the standards of the Curriculum Guidelines and Standards for Dental Laser Education. The course covers all aspects of Er: YAG laser-assisted treatment of soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.
Theoretical part:
Within 3 lessons, basic theoretical issues are discussed, such as the physics of Er: YAG lasers, tissue interactions, safety rules and clinical applications of the Er: YAG laser on soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.
Demonstration part:
Within 2 teaching hours the course leader demonstrates clinical interventions with Er: YAG laser on pre-selected patients with pathology of soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity and indications for laser-assisted therapy.
Practical part:
Under the supervision and assistance of the trainer, the students perform pre-set interventions with Er: YAG laser on extracted teeth and animal material within 1 lesson. The course ends with an individual completion of a final assessment test and a satisfaction survey.
09:00 – 11:15 Theoretical part: physics of Er: YAG lasers, tissue interactions, safety rules and clinical applications of Er: YAG laser on soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity.
11:15 – 12:00 Questions and answers
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:30 Demonstration part: clinical interventions with Er: YAG laser on pre-selected patients with pathology of soft and hard tissues in the oral cavity and indications for laser-assisted therapy.
14:30 – 15:00 Discussion
15:00 – 15:45 Practical part: under the supervision and assistance of the trainer, the students perform pre-set interventions with Er: YAG laser on extracted teeth and animal material.
15: 45 – 16:00 Completion of a final assessment test and satisfaction survey. Issuance of certificates.
/ short description and schedule by days and hours, multiples of 45 min /
Type of training during the course
The accredited practical course brings the participant 9 credits according the requirements of the Standing Committee of Qualification and Accreditation of BgDA.
9 credits